Näitan ainukest tulemust

Asendamatud Aminohapped

Asendamatud aminohapped ehk Essential Amino Acids (inglise k.)on aminohapped, mida inimese organism ise kas üldse ei tooda või toodab vähesel määral, nii et nende omastamine toidust on möödapääsmatult vajalik.

Aminohapped ehitavad lihaseid, põhjustavad kehas keemilisi reaktsioone, transpordivad toitaineid, ennetavad haigusi ja täidavad muid funktsioone. Aminohappepuudus võib põhjustada immuunsuse vähenemist, seedeprobleeme, depressiooni, viljakuse probleeme, madalamat vaimset erksust, laste kasvu aeglustumist ja muid terviseprobleeme. Kõigil asendamatutel aminohapetel on kehas erinev roll ja defitsiidi sümptomid varieeruvad vastavalt. Valguvaese toidu tarvitamisel võib tekkida asendamatute aminohapete puudus. Näiteks esineb seda ühekülgse taimetoitluse puhul. Riisi- või nisudieedi korral on kõrgem tõenäosus lüsiini puuduseks, sojaoa dieedi korral aga metioniini vajakajäämiseks. Loe lähemalt

Original price was: €31.90.Current price is: €25.89.


Amino Rest (500g)

Original price was: €29.95.Current price is: €23.89.
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Original price was: €27.90.Current price is: €24.89.


BCAA (300 caps)

Original price was: €34.90.Current price is: €27.90.


BCAA 8:1:1 (400g)

Original price was: €31.90.Current price is: €25.89.
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page


Amino Rush (500g)

Original price was: €29.90.Current price is: €23.89.
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page


BCAA Instant (400g)

Original price was: €27.95.Current price is: €24.89.
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page


Amino Rest (1000g)

Original price was: €49.90.Current price is: €39.89.
Kuumakse al. 6.78
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Original price was: €29.90.Current price is: €27.99.
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page


Hydro BEEF Isolate (1KG)

Original price was: €39.90.Current price is: €34.90.
Kuumakse al. 5.93
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Original price was: €16.90.Current price is: €12.90.
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Original price was: €21.90.Current price is: €18.90.
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Original price was: €29.90.Current price is: €26.89.
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Original price was: €25.90.Current price is: €17.89.
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Original price was: €54.90.Current price is: €44.89.
Kuumakse al. 7.63
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Original price was: €11.90.Current price is: €8.90.
Original price was: €9.90.Current price is: €8.89.
Original price was: €17.90.Current price is: €14.89.
Original price was: €17.90.Current price is: €14.89.
Original price was: €21.90.Current price is: €19.89.
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Original price was: €12.90.Current price is: €11.89.
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Original price was: €34.90.Current price is: €18.89.

Aju Tegevus / Nootropic

NAC 300mg (N-Acetyl Cysteine) 150tab

Original price was: €11.90.Current price is: €8.89.

Asendamatud Aminohapped - EAA

Pump Extreme (300g)

Original price was: €22.90.Current price is: €18.89.
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page


AAKG (90caps)

Original price was: €12.90.Current price is: €9.89.

Asendamatud Aminohapped - EAA

100% Lüsiin (200g)

Original price was: €13.90.Current price is: €11.89.
Original price was: €31.90.Current price is: €28.89.
Original price was: €22.90.Current price is: €18.89.
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Original price was: €18.90.Current price is: €15.89.
Original price was: €39.90.Current price is: €37.89.
Kuumakse al. 6.44
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Original price was: €39.90.Current price is: €37.89.
Kuumakse al. 6.44
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

Aju Tegevus / Nootropic

NAC 300mg (100 vCaps)

Original price was: €13.90.Current price is: €11.89.
Original price was: €64.90.Current price is: €29.89.
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Original price was: €37.90.Current price is: €16.89.
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page


NAC (200g)

Original price was: €24.90.Current price is: €21.89.

Asendamatud Aminohapped - EAA

Fenüülalaniin Supreme (200g)

Original price was: €14.90.Current price is: €12.89.


NAC (180tab)

Original price was: €13.90.Current price is: €11.89.

Asendamatud Aminohapped - EAA

Army1 EAA Complex (300g)

Original price was: €24.90.Current price is: €21.89.
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Original price was: €24.90.Current price is: €21.89.

Asendamatud Aminohapped - EAA

Tesla EAA Powder (300g)

Original price was: €24.90.Current price is: €21.89.
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Original price was: €27.90.Current price is: €24.89.
Original price was: €11.90.Current price is: €9.49.
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page


BCAA (150 caps)

Original price was: €15.90.Current price is: €12.99.
Original price was: €1.20.Current price is: €0.89.
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Original price was: €29.90.Current price is: €27.89.
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Original price was: €19.90.Current price is: €15.89.
Original price was: €23.90.Current price is: €18.89.
Original price was: €24.90.Current price is: €21.89.
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Original price was: €16.90.Current price is: €12.90.
Original price was: €44.90.Current price is: €37.99.
Kuumakse al. 6.46
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Original price was: €44.90.Current price is: €29.90.
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

Kus leidub asendamatuid aminohappeid?

Asendamatuid aminohappeid on suuremas kontsentratsioonis võimalik omastada loomsetest valkudest. Kuna loomse toidu valguline koostis on inimese organismiga sarnane, siis on sealsed aminohapped lihtsamini omastatavad. Tänu sarnasele valgulisele koostisele on loomses valgus esindatud kõik asendamatud aminohapped ja nad on ka inimorganismile õigetes proportsioonides.

See ei tähenda, et taimsetest valgu allikatest pole võimalik väärtuslikke aminohappeid saada. Kuna taimsete valkude aminohapete koostis ei ole inimese omaga nii sarnane, siis vajab taimne toit kõigi aminohapete saamiseks suuremal hulgal erinevate toiduainete tarbimist. Näiteks annavad kaunviljad koos täisteraviljadega kõik asendamatud aminohapped, sest teraviljades on lüsiin, kuid ei ole metioniini ja vastupidi. Eraldi tarbides ei anna kaunviljad vaatamata oma valgurohkusele vajalikku aminohappe kokteili.

„Kasvueas on eriti tähtis vajalike aminohapete saamine, kuid nende kättesaamine taimsest toidust on keerulisem ja vajab suuremat teadlikkust. Seetõttu üldjuhul vegani elustiili lastele ei soovitata, lapsed vahel ju teatud toite ei söö või ei suuda piisavalt jälgida seda, et nende päevane toidulaud oleks mitmekesine,” selgitab Triin Muiste.

Asendamatud aminohapped on valiin, trüptofaan, treoniin, fenalüülalaliin, metioniin, lüsiin, leutsiin, isoleutsiin ja histidiin. Histidiini peetakse tegelikult poolasendamatuks aminohappeks, kuna teatud koguses suudab keha seda ka ise toota. Näiteks täiskasvanute jaoks on tegu seetõttu asendatava aminohappega. Kasvueas on eriti tähtis saada piisavalt histidiini toiduainetest, seda leidub kaunviljades ja kalas. Histidiin aitab luua hemoglobiini ning punaseid ja valgeid vereliblesid.

Essential Amino Acids

Essential Amino Acids tähendab otsetõlkes „Hädavajalikud Aminohapped“. Kuna igal aminohappel on eraldi tähtsaid tervislikke omadusi, siis on tähtis katta võimalikult mitmekesise toidulauaga kogu aminohapete vajadus. Samas ei ole mõtet eraldi iga aminohappe tarbimisele rõhku panna, kuna neid on eelkõige vaja kombinatsioonidena, mitte aga eraldiseisvatena. Samuti on nende toimeks vaja teisi toitaineid nagu vitamiine ja mineraale.

Kui on tegemist teatud tervisemurega või kui teha suurema koormusega sporti, siis tasub ka eraldiseisvalt teatud aminohapetele rohkem rõhku panna. Näiteks uneprobleemide korral tasub tarbida rohkem trüptofaani sisaldavaid toiduaineid või sportimise puhul lihasloomes tähtsal kohal olevaid hargnenud ahelaga aminohappeid. Igapäevaselt on kõige tähtsam saada toidust kätte kõik asendamatud aminohapped.

Vaata kogu meie Aminohappe valikut SIIT!

Allikad: tervisliktoitumine.ee